Vol. 10 Issue 1 January - March / 2012
Published on website | Date : 2016-04-04 23:54:51
SENSORINEURAL HEARING LOSS IN CHRONIC SUPPURATIVE OTITIS MEDIAAdil N Razooqi, Salim AH, Raed ASAbstractBackground:Chronic suppurative otitis media is a common disease affecting young age group, it is typically a persistent disease, often capable of causing severe destruction and irreversible sequelae and clinically manifest with deafness and discharge.
Objectives:To evaluate the degree of sensorineural hearing loss component in patients with chronic suppurative otitis media with and without pathological sequelae, which necessitate early detection as it increase in severity with time. Methods: A prospective study of 140 patients with unilateral chronic suppurative otitis media was evaluated otologically and audiologically for bone conduction hearing loss in the diseased ear throughout one year. The patients mean age was 26.5±0.5 years ranging from 10-45 years and the mean duration of the illness were 6.9±2.5 years ranging from 1-30 years. Results:Eighty-eight and a half percent of the patients with unilateral chronic suppurative otitis media had some loss of cochlear function. Conclusion:Most patients had a difference of less than 10 db in bone conduction between diseased and uninvolved ears. The range difference between diseased and uninvolved ears was wider at the higher frequencies, related mainly to the duration of the disease and its pathological sequelae such as cholesteatoma and or granulation tissue. Key word: Sensorineural, otitis media, round window, cholesteatoma Full-text |
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